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9 septembre 2012 7 09 /09 /septembre /2012 03:50

Hello friends,

I'm really sorry to inform you that there

is a person named M40A3 KZY on you tube

he was able to access my account there,

he canceled all my videos there
(almost 400 videos = 4 years of hard work)
he took my page with my name,
my subscribers ( over 10 000) ....

I was surprised this morning not have access to my page neither on you tube nor my gmail, I searched my name Sousoukitchen on you tube, I found another page with the same name, but does not contain any of my videos, but instead 2 gaming videos that belong to the individual who committed this "crime".

I was preparing to post you my dear fans, my video that I was talking in when suddenly

I was faced with this problem.

I really do not know how to describe how
I feel, everything is mixed, rage, anger,

depression, ...


Dear friends and fans, to recover all my videos
and stop the thief we need to denounce him by you tube which I did already, but you can also report him if you really want to help me and get my videos back which are your videos actually, I will not give up, my 4 year hard work has disappeared with a single click ! this is not fair !


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You said HE maybe it's SHE. I' m sorry for what happened to your videos, I was following you and I'm one of your fans, and I could see and read and feel the tension in some comments from some<br /> people (no need to mention their country name), and each time you post a recipe, they would bark and protest that it's not a moroccan speciality. Your account can be hacked only if you click on<br /> some suspicious links in your e-mail our in your comments, and you should always disconnect from your account once finished posting. Never click on links or e-mails you don't know, and also get red<br /> of any spams in your comments place. I'm really really sorry, this is horrible and unfair, but please don't give up and keep rocking. I don't know how to help but if I can please let me know. Gros<br /> bisous. Courage.
Salam Sousou, je sui vraiment desolee et scandalisee par ce qui t es arrivee, c est malheureux et decourageant tout ca mais j ai confiance et une grande conviction que tu sauras depassee tout cela<br /> et redevenir encore plus forte et plus determinee qu avant, votre travail et votre devouement pour vos fans, ainsi que l amour reciproque de vos fans dont j en fais partie vous redonneras cette<br /> force, tu m as reconcilier avec la cuisine, j ai repris confiance en moi en faisant tes recettes et en les reussisant, de voir la satisfaction de mes enfants, la fierete de mon mari et le plaisir<br /> de mes convives a deguster mes plats , tout ca grace a TOI SABAH, alors Oui, nous sommes degoutees et l es mais aussi saches que nous sommes avec toi, et aussi ravie j ai pu voir tes videos, la<br /> maintenant sur IKBIS, BON COURAGE j espere que j aurais un nouveau message dansx mes mails me disant que sousoukitchen vient de publier un nouveau article , une nouvelle recette, parce que je<br /> inscrite a tes newsletters. de la part d une marocaine vivant au USA
I'm so sorry for what's going on...I can't believe someone would hack your account!It's just so disturbing! I'm personally really upset, I can't imagine what your feeling. This morning I was still<br /> watching some videos but for some reason didn't see many of your videos pop up, that's when I noticed something strange. I hope YouTube can do something about it and InshaAllah get back your<br /> videos. I reported it. SubhanAllah, it's unbelivable how some people just cross the line out of envy.
I'm astonished and rellay sorry for this incredible problem. Why could anyone or this person do that ?<br /> Hope yo solve it soon; I'll do what you suggest right now.<br /> Best regards
Ma pauvre Sousou !<br /> Je suis vraiment consternée ...<br /> Comment faire pour t'aider ?<br /> Tu as parlé de Youtube .... ?<br /> Dis nous tout